Different from the Atlantic shag, this seabird is very present on the islets surrounding Corsica and thus, a little removed from the nuisances linked to the frequentation of the coastal shelters of the island. This protected species is experiencing a considerable boom after a dazzling decline. From 50 to 80% of the island's population reproduces in the four nature reserves of Corsica. They are mainly found in the Bonifacio nature reserve, those of the Sanguinaires islands, those of the maritime facade of the Corsican regional natural park (west coast) and those of the Finocchiarola islands in Cap Corse, Corsica is home to a significant part of the total population of this bird.
It is said that 80% of Desmarest's shags nest in protected areas, these islets where landing is prohibited all year round or during breeding and nesting periods.
In addition to the preservation of eggs, then chicks and juveniles, the protection of the marine environment, particularly in nature reserves, has also allowed an increase in fish species that fit perfectly into the cormorant's diet.
Although still very exposed to accidental mortality linked to the capture of young in fishing nets, Desmarest's shags have found in Corsica the tranquility necessary for their survival.
