The island of Cavallo is part of the Lavezzi Islands archipelago, in the Strait of Bonifacio. It is located 2.3 km from the coast, east of Cape Sperone and the port of Piantarella, an hour's sailing from the famous port of Bonifacio or Sardinia, the Lavezzi archipelago is the southernmost territory of metropolitan France and enjoys a rare privilege: its isolation far from the summer hustle and bustle in one of the most coveted sites with an international reputation in the far south.
Here, luxury consists of enjoying a prestigious villa all year round in an enchanting setting between red granite masses and a turquoise sea with Sardinia in the background on the horizon.
A bit of history:
when the Marquis Guido della Rosa, from Parma, landed on the island of Cavallo in 1947,
The greatest of the Lavezzis, it is love at first sight. The forgotten archipelago will undergo a first transformation with the interest shown in it by Jean Castel, an essential figure of Parisian nights.
At the beginning of the 70s, the first remarkable developments appeared which would give real growth to this piece of land lost in the sea: a hotel, a restaurant, bungalows as well as a landing strip to quickly access the island from the largest European capitals.
Cavallo then became and has remained the famous "island of billionaires" .
The area now benefits from a port with 450 moorings and luxury buildings sold by the apartment.
Cavallo, who is the subject of a craze elsewhere that one cannot imagine in France,
mainly in Italy. Jean Castel has since returned the archipelago to the city of Bonifacio, and the institutions have finally granted it the status of a nature reserve. The formerly private archipelago has therefore been protected by the public authorities since 1981, which thus guarantees the preservation of this unique environment in the Mediterranean.
